Multipurpose Hall and Rehearsal Space Weißenbach
Architecture: LAAC (2011) Builder-owner: Gemeinde Weißenbach am Lech Open to the public: Café Treffpunkt during operating hours TIP: Weißenbach is an ideal starting point for hiking through the wild river landscape of the Lech River and the Lech River floodplains.
This multipurpose building arose between the primary school and the nursery school. It features a gymnasium for the primary school, a music rehearsal space and a foyer with a restaurant, which the multi-functionally utilized hall can be flowingly accessed from via a grandstand. In order to minimize the visible cubature and to integrate the small-scaled context, a large part of the volume is recessed into the ground. A walkable roof deck, which forms a slightly inclined slope, spans the elongated building.