information on architecture and tyrol
professional journals, publications, mediatheque and more
Current issues of numerous professional journals to browse through, free publications, background information on architecture in Tyrol in the 20th and 21st centuries, and over 2,000 films on architecture, the city and design – you can find all of this here at aut.
aut: lounge
The “aut: lounge” is our main communication space. Here you will find numerous professional journals, free publications such as the brochures on the “Tyrolean State Prize for New Building,” the magazine zuschnitt or dasKonstruktiv published by proHolz, information leaflets on the architect[tours] offered by aut, as well as current information on the cultural offer in Innsbruck.
Issues of the following magazines are available in the “aut: lounge” for your perusal:
architektur; architektur aktuell; Architektur & Bauforum; Architektur + Detail; arch+; Baumeister; Detail; Hochparterre; Oris; Perspektiven; turrisbabel; werk, bauen + wohnen; Wettbewerbe
information on tyrolean architecture in the 20th and21st centuries
A representative selection of structures that have arisen in Tyrol since the 1980s can be found on the online database
>> Tyrolean building database on
Should you be interested in older buildings or you don’t hit pay dirt on, you can gladly turn directly to us. For research purposes we will gladly provide you insight into our extensive collection of books and newspaper and magazine articles about architecture and Tyrol.
aut: mediatheque
Curated by the Viennese architecture and film historian Helmut Weihsmann, the mediatheque contains over 2,000 key examples from all film genres dealing with architecture, the city and designs. The films can be viewed on-site for research purposes during opening hours – we will gladly provide you with a list of all films.
>> aut: mediathek