aut: membership
aut. architektur und tirol is an association that is supported to a large extent by its members. Become a member and send an e-mail to us at
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an independent association founded in 1993 on the initiative of committed architects
aut. architektur und tirol (formerly Architekturforum Tirol) is an independent association founded in 1993 on the initiative of committed architects.
Through their commitment and interest, the voluntary board and the members significantly contribute to assuring that aut remains vital and further develops as a platform concerning architecture and Tyrol.
With their annual membership fees, the members of aut support the ongoing work and the realization of the diverse activities to a large extent. Together with the sponsorship moneys, the membership fees contribute to aut’s markedly high share of self-financing.
Members receive discounts for publications and excursions, free tours through the exhibitions and are continually informed about current projects and events. aut: friends and aut: promoters are additionally invited to special events such as the annual dinner or exhibition previews.
annual fees
1.500,- aut: promoters
600,- aut: friends
225,- single persons
100,- graduate dicount
40,- students
15,- postage donation (without membership)
Become a member and send us an e-mail to
or transfer the appropriate amount to our account and you will automatically be registered as a member.
bank connection
BTV Bank für Tirol und Vorarlberg, BLZ 16.000
Konto-Nr. 100 268 086
BIC: BTVAAT22; IBAN: AT701600000100268086
Elias Walch (Chairperson) | Birgit Brauner (Vice Chairperson) | Barbara Poberschnigg (Treasurer) | Eva López (Vice Treasurer) | Gunnar Ploner (Secretary) | Rainer Köberl (Vice Secretary) | Hanno Vogl-Fernheim (Chamber of Architects and Chartered Engineering Consultants, Tirol und Vorarlberg) | Veronika König (Chamber of Architects and Chartered Engineering Consultants, Tirol und Vorarlberg) | Manfred Gsottbauer (für die ZV – Zentralvereinigung der ArchitektInnen Österreichs, Landesverband Tirol) | Karolin Schmidbaur (University of Innsbruck) | Wolfgang Andexlinger (City of Innsbruck) | Diana Ortner (Tyrolean State Government)
Kathrin Aste | Wolfgang Andexlinger | Birgit Brauner | Werner Burtscher | Jan Claßen | Andreas Flora | Manfred Gsottbauer | Rainer Köberl | Veronika König | Eva López | Patrick Lüth | Georg Pendl | Diana Ortner | Gunnar Ploner | Barbara Poberschnigg | Wolfgang Pöschl | Walter Prenner | Iris Reiter | Helmut Reitter | Martin Scharfetter | Karolin Schmidbaur | Teresa Stillebacher | Michael Steinlechner | Hanno Vogl-Fernheim | Elias Walch
coopted members
Jörg Bergmann | Julian Gatterer | Jonas Längenfelder | Peter Massin | Regina Mayer | Judith Prossliner | Alexander Topf
aut: forum, which meets monthly, is a consultative body of the board and all other association bodies and particularly has the task of supporting the activity of the association through statements regarding content and developing the guidelines of the association.
financial auditor, resp., accountant
Renate Benedikter-Fuchs | Gerhard Fritz |
Single persons, aut: friends und aut: promoters
Wolfgang Andexlinger | ao-architekten | Architekten Adamer°Ramsauer | Architektur Walch und Partner | architekturWERKSTATT | ARTEC Architekten | Kathrin Aste | ATP Planungs- und Beteiligungs AG | Christian Bailom | Bartenbach GmbH | Ivo Barth | Baumschlager Hutter Partners | Ruedi Baur | Renate Benedikter-Fuchs | Jörg Bergmann | Binderholz GmbH | Andreas Brandner | Theo Braunegger | Birgit Brauner | Eva Brenner | Alfred Brunnsteiner | Stephan Bstieler | BTV Bank für Tirol und Vorarlberg | Norbert Buchauer | Jörg Büchlmann | Werner Burtscher | Tilwin Cede | Carlo Chiavistrelli | COCA Christiansen Oberweis Cardoso | Stamatia Christodoulaki | Jan Claßen | conceptlicht at | Hermann Czech | Wolfgang Dejaco | DFA Dietmar Feichtinger Architectes | Die Innsbrucker Grünen | Dieter Mathoi Architekten | Dietrich Untertrifaller Architekten | Hugo Dworzak | Kurt Egger | elisabeth.senn.architektur | Daniel Falgschlunger | fasch&fuchs.architekten | Martin Feiersinger | Arno Fessler | Finstral | Andreas Flora | florian lutz . daniela amann . architekten | Gerhard Fritz | Fröschl Bau AG & Co. KG | Philipp Fromm | Daniel Fügenschuh | Fügenschuh Hrdlovics Architekten | Christoph Gärtner | Mario Gasser | Günther Gast | Julian Gatterer | Thomas Giner | Hermann Glettler | Monika Gogl | Karl Gostner | Monika Grafl | Manfred Gsottbauer | Christian Gstrein | Gutmann GesmbH & Co. KG | Siegbert Haas | Maria Haaser | Alexander Haider | Lennart Hailer | Radek Hála | Doris Hallama | Christoph Haller | Horst Hambrusch | Betina Hanel | Gerald Haselwanter | Michael Hetzenauer | Margarethe Heubacher-Sentobe | Christian Höller | Kurt Höretzeder | Gerhard Hof | HOLODECK architects | Agnes Hove | HVW Architektur | IIG – Innsbrucker Immobilien GmbH & Co KG | Todorka Iliova | Waltraud Indrist | Innsbrucker Kommunalbetriebe AG | IVB Innsbrucker Verkehrsbetriebe und Stubaitalbahn GmbH | J. KLAUSNER Professional Multimedia | Peter Joas | Klaus Juen | Alois Juraschek | Klaus Kada | Kammer der Ziviltechniker*innen Arch+Ing, Tirol und Vorarlberg, Sektion Architekt*innen | Hermann Kastner | Armin Kathan | Martin Kinzner | Karl Klammer | Stefan Klausner | Thomas Klima | klingan/konzett architektur | Birgit Knisz | Rainer Köberl | Gretl Köfler | Manfred König | Veronika König | Ricarda Kössl | Wolfgang Kritzinger | Michael Kröll | Daniela Kröss | LAAC | Inkarie Lackner | Jonas Längenfelder | Land Tirol | Antonius Lanzinger | Manfred G. Leckschmidt | Christa Leitner | Barbara Linsberger | Barbara Löffler | Eva López | Peter Lorenz | Patrick Lüth | Michael Lukasser | ma.lo ZT Gmbh | Gerhard Manzl | Peter Massin | Klaus Mathoy | Peter Mayrhofer | Stephan Metzner | Volker Miklautz | Miller & Maranta | Thomas Moser | Bruno Moser | MPREIS Warenvertriebs GmbH | Heinrich Mutschlechner | NEUE HEIMAT TIROL | Armin Neurauter | Alois Neururer | neururer architekten | Werner Neuwirth | Rainer Noldin | Simon Oberhammer | obermoser + partner architekten | Wolfgang Oberstaller | Wolfgang Ohnmacht | Diana Ortner | Andras Pálffy | Hanno Parth | Thomas Parth | Veit Pedit | Georg Pendl | Sabine Penz | Klaus Perktold | Michael Pfleger | Robert Pfurtscheller | Gunnar Ploner | Barbara Poberschnigg | Wolfgang Pöschl | Walter Prenner | Judith Prossliner | Carl Pruscha | Clemens Rainer | Raimund Rainer | Markus Raithmayr | Mario Ramoni | Peter Reiter | Helmut Reitter | reitter_architekten zt gesmbh | Robert Rier | Karlheinz Röck | Marianne Rossmann | Kurt Rumplmayr | Elisabeth Salzer | Bernhard Sanders | Martin Scharfetter | Barbara Scheiber | Klaus Schiffer | Erika Schmeissner-Schmid | Karolin Schmidbaur-Volk | Roman Schöggl | Martin Schönherr | Martin Schranz | David Schreyer | Josef Schütz | Schwärzler Architekten | Bruno Schwamberger | seelos architekten | Paul Senfter | Eric Sidoroff | Snøhetta Studio Innsbruck | SNOW ARCHITEKTUR | Gilbert Sommer | Gertraud Speckbacher | Walpurga Speckbacher | SPhii architectural collaboration | Stadt Innsbruck | Christoph Steck | STeinbacher Dämmstoff GmbH | Georg Steinklammer | Michael Steinlechner | Teresa Stillebacher | Barbara Stillebacher-Heltschl | Christa und Josef Stockinger | Wolfgang Stöger | Philipp Stoll | Erich Strolz | STUDIO LOIS | Thomas Stuke | teamk2 [architects] | the next ENTERprise–architects | TIGEWOSI | Alexander Topf | Stefanie Topf | tragwerkspartner | Dieter Tuscher | Simon Unterberger | Universität Innsbruck – Architekturfakultät | Veit Urban | Hanno Vogl-Fernheim | Elias Walch | Johann G. Waldhart | Peter Watzel | Albert Weber | Nicola Weber | Anton Widauer | Johannes Wiesflecker | Frank Winter | Dietger Wissounig | Guido Wörle | Erich Wucherer | Raimund Wulz | Wurzer Nagel Architekten | Siegfried Zenz | Alois Zierl | Roland Zust | ZV Zentralvereinigung der ArchitektInnen Österreichs – Landesverband Tirol
aut. architektur und tirol is an association that is supported to a large extent by its members. Become a member and send an e-mail to us at
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