architek[tour] tirol – der architekturführer für tirol

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machné & durig

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2 building(s) found:

Community Center "Haus Valgrata”

9931 Außervillgraten, A
Architecture: Machné & Durig, Machné Architekten, Peter Jungmann (2004) Builder-owner: Gemeinde Außervillgraten Open to the public: partially Accessibility: At the northwestern edge of the village, directly on, resp. above the state road

With the "Haus Valgrata” a distinctive building in which various communal institutions were brought together arose at the edge of the village. Adjacent to the existing fire brigade house with a hall for cultural events, the recycling center and construction yard were accommodated in an elongated structure. Its roof forms a large entrance stairway and ends in a new plaza. Located behind it are the foyer and multipurpose hall, which were realized for the most part as superstructure extending above the state road.

© Paul Ott

Cultural and Fire Brigade House

Dorf 88, 9961 Hopfgarten in Defereggen, A
Architecture: Machné & Durig (2001-2003) Builder-owner: Gemeinde Hopfgarten The village hall and square were redesigned from 2006 to 2008 (planning: Hans-Peter Machné)

The starting point for the project was the inn that was missing in the village—what followed was a new town policy, which was awarded with the "Building Culture Community Prize” in 2012. The founding of a village renewal commission preceded the construction of the new multipurpose structure. A competition was consequently tendered with Dorferneuerung Tirol (Village Renewal Tyrol). The result is a crystalline structure, conceived in reaction to the exposed slope, with the fire brigade together with a practice forecourt in the lower area and the public functions, including the large event hall, in the overlying element that protrudes eight meters outwards.

© Paul Ott