architek[tour] tirol – der architekturführer für tirol

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2 building(s) found:

Haus Maier

Schießstand 6, 6401 Hatting, A
Architecture: Josef Lackner (1977) Builder-owner: Josef Maier South oft the house, Lackner built a studio and storeroom that was also meant to serve as a protective wall against avalanches and landslides.

The patron wanted an economical wooden house, so Lackner "simply” designed a wooden structure radially hanging from a concrete pile. The consequent mushroom-like shape beautifully responds also to the special needs of the patron. The very self-assertive building, although not resembling any familiar typology, due to the choice of materials, fits well into the environment.

© feilfoto (© Fam. Lackner)

Pfarrzentrum St. Norbert (St. Norbert parish centre)

Köldererstraße 6, 6020 Innsbruck, A
Architecture: Josef Lackner (1969-1972) Builder-owner: Pfarre St. Norbert Open to the public: partly Artworks by Anton Tiefenthaler

To create the necessary space for a variety of purposes without, however, outgrowing the scale, both in area and volume, of the surrounding buildings, Lackner designed a two-storey building, setting the congregation room, most unusually, on the top floor. The main building is more or less "a house just like any other”, but is then upgraded by a lateral cover and a ceiling ideally as well as structurally separated from it.

© feilfoto (© Fam. Lackner)