architek[tour] tirol – der architekturführer für tirol

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hopfgarten in defereggen

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2 building(s) found:

Funeral Hall and Cemetery Expansion

9961 Hopfgarten in Defereggen, A
Architecture: Schneider & Lengauer (2010-2011) Builder-owner: Gemeinde Hopfgarten Accessibility: Cemetery at the St. John Nepomucene Parish Church. The listed St. Michael’s Chapel, which became a contemporary memorial room for the community’s fallen soldiers, was likewise redesigned.

In the course of the cemetery expansion, a new funeral hall, whose exterior façade made of quarry stone masonry is based on the solid natural stone wall of the cemetery, was erected. The space in the interior, featuring wood paneling and simple benches, ties into the tradition of the farmhouse parlor. A narrow window and a circumferential glass strip placed under the roof bring natural light into the space and establish the relationship to the village, resp. the mountains.

© Kurt Hörbst

Cultural and Fire Brigade House

Dorf 88, 9961 Hopfgarten in Defereggen, A
Architecture: Machné & Durig (2001-2003) Builder-owner: Gemeinde Hopfgarten The village hall and square were redesigned from 2006 to 2008 (planning: Hans-Peter Machné)

The starting point for the project was the inn that was missing in the village—what followed was a new town policy, which was awarded with the "Building Culture Community Prize” in 2012. The founding of a village renewal commission preceded the construction of the new multipurpose structure. A competition was consequently tendered with Dorferneuerung Tirol (Village Renewal Tyrol). The result is a crystalline structure, conceived in reaction to the exposed slope, with the fire brigade together with a practice forecourt in the lower area and the public functions, including the large event hall, in the overlying element that protrudes eight meters outwards.

© Paul Ott