architek[tour] tirol – der architekturführer für tirol

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House for Children and Village Square

Kirchgasse, 6401 Inzing, A
Architecture: Architekten Scharfetter_Rier (2013-2014) Builder-owner: Gemeinde Inzing Open to the public: Partially (village café) Accessibility: Directly in the village center The building, which maintains a dialogue with the village hall and nursery school (architecture: Erich Gutmorgeth, 1998), was awarded a "Distinction of the State of Tyrol for New Buildings” in 2014.

In order to meet the need for child care places, the community wished for an annex building near the existing nursery school – with a small village café and able to be used multi-functionally by clubs. Designed by Martin Scharfetter and Robert Rier, the new "House for Children” calmly complements the existing building structure – church, parish house and town hall with a nursery school –, scales itself back, places itself on display, forms a lane and opens this up to the newly created village square.

© David Schreyer