architek[tour] tirol – der architekturführer für tirol

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new building in tyrol 2008 - a tour to the award-winning projects

Since 1996, the regional government’s culture department, cooperating with the architects’ branch of the Chamber of Architects and Civil Engineers of Tyrol and Vorarlberg, the Tyrolean branch of the Zentralverband, a voluntary association of Austrian architects, and aut. architektur und tirol , every other year awards prizes for distinguished new buildings in Tyrol that are outstanding examples of meeting contemporary architectural challenges both esthetically and functionally, with special regard for innovation.

This tour will lead you across the region, to the "I want to be close to the river” platform by columbusnext in Innsbruck and the Steidl furnace by Peter Jungmann and Markus Tschapeller in East Tyrol, and to six other projects that were awarded commendations by the jury.

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a tour to 8 buildings

The "I want to be close to the river” platform

Walther-von-der-Vogelweide Park, 6020 Innsbruck, A
Architecture: columbosnext (2008) Builder-owner: aut. architektur und tirol Attention! The platform was removed in may 2010.

For the "2008 Days of Architecture”, aut. architektur und tirol commissioned a 52 m long multi-use walk-on platform in the Walther Park. The temporary building, designed by the columbosnext group, after the "Days of Architecture” remained, first until autumn, then with another permit for nearly two more years, inviting the general public to appropriate a piece of public space and use it for various purposes – and, not in the least, to stop turning their backs to the river instead of experiencing it as a vital part of the cityscape.

© Hanno Mackowitz

Steidl furnace expansion and addition

Innervillgraten 76, 9932 Innervillgraten, A
Architecture: Peter Jungmann, Markus Tschapeller (2007-2008) Builder-owner: Alfons Steidl

Way back in a valley in East Tyrol, right next to a torrent, an old, traditional furnace was expanded, with the addition of a "black spatial entity” that with its oblique lighting cubes resembles a negative print of the torrent. Glass panels along the sides mark the high water line of previous floods, large windows bring lots of light into the room, and allow for a good view of the surrounding landscape.

© Wolfgang Retter

Veranstaltungszentrum FoRum (event centre)

Rathausplatz 1, 6063 Rum, A
Architecture: Richard Freisinger, Hans Peter Gruber (2005-2006) Builder-owner: Immobilien Rum Accessibility: via the "Dörferstraße” from Innsbruck through the villages on the northern foothills to Hall, bus line D or E TIP: Café FORUM, open daily 9:30 a.m. – 7 p.m.

The centre is situated next to the church, the churchyard and the seat of the municipality of the large village of Rum. The complex of one-storey and two-storey buildings, respectful of the more rural character of the village, reflects the proportions of the surrounding buildings. The nicely renovated old seat of the village administration, a stage and grandstand with a roof, for all types of events, and the other parts of the complex together shape a graciously designed square.

© Günter R. Wett

Landessonderschule mit Internat Mariatal (school and dormitory for the handicapped)

Mariatal 15, 6233 Kramsach, A
Architecture: Marte.Marte Architekten (2005-2007) Builder-owner: Land Tirol Accessibility: Take the road from Kramsach towards Aschau

The old Mariatal school buildings, clustering closely together, resemble an abbey. Marte-Marte architects wanted to re-develop the ensemble of buildings preserving those specific spatial qualities while, at the same time, adding architectural surplus value. The new dormitory continues, as it were, the west wing of the old building, thus closing off the ensemble from the street, creating a new interior courtyard dominated by the old main school building, under the federal law on the protection of monuments, and a new solitary structure.

© Bruno Klomfar

ILL - Integrierte Landesleitstelle Tirol (Emergency Services Headquarter and Control Centre)

Hunoldstraße 17a, 6020 Innsbruck, A
Architecture: obermoser arch-omo, Schlögl & Süß Architekten (2005-2007) Builder-owner: IIG Open to the public: no In 2007 the ILL was awarded the BTV-Building-Owner Award and in 2008 a "Distinction of the State of Tyrol for New Buildings”.

All emergency calls in the region are to – or should – arrive here, and the ILL Centre then coordinates the necessary efforts of the various bodies of assistance, firefighters, ambulance services and the like. The design of the centre strives to underline this highly important function. Four concrete panels, and a central staircase, balance a sweeping and hovering oblong structure, stretching over an impressive span, which gives the firefighters’ vehicles enough room below to move in and out of their garages and, at the same time, creates a "roofed-in” exterior space.

© Nikolaus Schletterer

Badehaus Natterer See (Main building and spa lake Natters)

Natterer See 1, 6161 Natters, A
Architecture: Giner + Wucherer (2008) Builder-owner: Familie Giner Open to the public: The all year camping area is open to the public. Accessibility: About 2,5 km from the village of Natters TIP: You can go bathing in the lake; there is, however, an entrance fee.

As part of the newly designed entrance area of the lake Natters camping area, the architects created a long and narrow building for the necessary infrastructure functions that sets up to now unheard of quality standards in the world of tents, caravans and mobile homes. Despite its rather large volume, the two-storey building unpretentiously sits on the lakeshore, sort of becoming part of the landscape. There, you find everything you need for a camping holiday, plus a lot of small highlights and brilliant new ideas.

© Nikolaus Schletterer

Hungerburg Cable Railway – The Congress, Löwenhaus, Apine Zoo und Hungerburg stations

Rennweg 3 (Talstation Congress), 6020 Innsbruck, A
Architecture: Zaha Hadid Architects (2005-2007) Builder-owner: INKB Open to the public: daily 8:30 a.m.–17:30 p.m (when the cable car is running)

After the Bergisel ski jump, the four station buildings and the oblique suspension bridge across the river make up the second project Zaha Hadid realised in Innsbruck. Starting from the fundamental concept of a shell and the shadow thrown by it, she designed an organically shaped glass shell over a concrete landscape, the translucent roof spreading and extending, as it were, the stations’ spaces, thus staging a drama of movement adapted to the particular character of each location.

© Norbert Freudenthaler

Sensei – Sushibar zum Roten Fisch

Maria-Theresien- Straße 11, 6020 Innsbruck, A
Architecture: Rainer Köberl (2006-2007) Builder-owner: Brunhilde Fröschl, Dil Ghamal Open to the public: daily noon-2:30 p.m. and 5:30-11 p.m. TIP: Make sure you sit in the oriel, and then enjoy the view and your sushi.

A former office on the first floor of a house, again listed under the federal law on the protection of monuments, was turned into a restaurant where one can take part, as it were, in the visual and acoustic drama that is happening in the street, and then switch effortlessly to concentrating on the works of art provided by the kitchen. The wide oriel window in front is as much part of the street’s public space as it works as a theatre box to look out from within, from an interior space characterised by black panels and various kinds of dark wood.

© Lukas Schaller