Department Store "Kaufhaus Tyrol"
Architecture: David Chipperfield, DMArchitekten (2008-2010) Builder-owner: Maria-Theresien-Straße Grundverwertungs GmbH Open to the public: during shop opening hours TIP: Located in the basement is an MPREIS supermarket designed by Rainer Köberl.
In the past years hardly any building scheme in Innsbruck sparked such heated discussions as the various projects for the new construction of the Kaufhaus Tirol (Tyrol Department Store). David Chipperfield was ultimately commissioned to not only design the "show front” on Maria-Theresien-Straße, but also the entire department store complex. In a respectful handling of the historical substance, he placed a decidedly restrained structure into the heterogeneous street ensemble, whose elongated façade is structured by a double bend and a recessed top floor.